MPs win in pensions because of ... secretaries

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An outrageous retirement benefit of the deputies is brought to the surface by the reaction of the mayors for the unfavorable, as they characterize it, discrimination against them in terms of their retirement.

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Specifically, as they claimed, the money that the deputies receive for the purchase of secretary services, which range in the amount of € 1.025 as well as the representation expenses of € 1.945 that under normal circumstances one receives exclusively while practicing one's profession, are calculated in their pension.

If it is considered that the mayors are not entitled to a secretariat allowance, this is respectable, but it should also apply to the deputies, the mayors suggested.

They claim that the deputies, because they are voting for the laws, "pulled the coals near them", in their expression.

They also pointed out that even if some MPs have a secretary, the amount of their salary should be taken into account in their own retirement and not in the retirement of their MPs-employers.

At the same time, they argued that some MPs may employ their relatives to provide secretary services. They wondered how the Parliament allowed itself to approve such a thing, which, as they claimed, is illegal.

They themselves indicated that the specific issue was identified by the Auditor General who sent a relevant letter to the Minister of Finance. Mr. Michailidis requested a review of the benefits that the deputies themselves approved for themselves. The Auditor General himself considers it unthinkable for some allowances to be granted to the deputies and in fact these to be calculated for the purposes of their retirement.

Source: Liberal