Avian: Europe's clear 'no' to selective vulture hunting

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The vertical opposition to the proposal of the Ministry of Interior to allow the hunting of vultures, through the Strategic Plan adopted last May, proves that it was based on a correct basis, according to a statement issued on Monday by the Cyprus Bird Association.

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The Association states that it is justified by the fact that together with other organizations they expressed their opposition to the proposal of the Ministry of Interior to allow the hunting of vines, through the Strategic Plan adopted last May.

The justification of the environmental organizations comes with the publication of the negative response of the European Commission to the Republic of Cyprus that was sent last August.

The European Commission has replied to the Republic of Cyprus that the "alternative planning" for selective hunting of vultures cannot proceed as the criteria laid down in the European Directive on the Conservation of Wild Birds are not met and therefore the vulture remains a protected species, while the vulture remains a protected species. and bird trapping are prohibited.

The environmental organizations call on the Council of Ministers to immediately withdraw the "alternative planning" and to implement the remaining elements of the proposal that were adopted. All other elements derive from the Strategic Action Plan, as developed with all stakeholders between 2013-14 and which is based on a policy of zero tolerance against illegal trapping, killing and trafficking of wild birds.

They estimate that the "alternative planning" announced last May caused him great damage in terms of communication, as it created false expectations and further tarnished the image of Cyprus abroad, in terms of tackling the serious and persistent problem of illegal bird killing. As a result, valuable time has already been lost for the practical implementation of a comprehensive, long-term and effective Strategic Action Plan for Tackling Illegal Trapping of Wild Birds in Cyprus.

At a critical juncture, which, according to the European Commission, the inclusion of "alternative planning" was a serious mistake on the part of the government.

The period of illegal trapping has already begun and consequently "all stakeholders must work together with dedication, honesty and consistency towards preventing and combating illegal trapping, killing and trafficking of birds in accordance with the existing decision of the Council of Ministers." .

The statement said that environmental organizations call on the Council of Ministers to immediately withdraw the "alternative planning" and implement the remaining elements of the proposal adopted.

Source: Liberal