PD awarded G. Babiniotis with the Award of the "Fotos Fotiadis" Foundation

o ptd vravefse ton g bampinioti me to vraveio tou idrymatos fotos fotiadis Γεώργιος Μπαμπινιώτης, ώδρυμα Φώτος Φωτιάδης
o ptd vravefse ton g bampinioti me to vraveio tou idrymatos fotos fotiadis Γεώργιος Μπαμπινιώτης, ώδρυμα Φώτος Φωτιάδης

Nicosia: The President of the Republic Nikos Anastasiadis on Tuesday honored Professor Georgios Babiniotis with the Award of the "Fotos Fotiadis" Foundation in a special event organized at the Municipal Theater of Strovolos.

The event was held under the auspices of the Minister of Education and Culture Costas Kadis and the Mayor of Nicosia Konstantinos Giorkatzis.

In his greeting, the President of the Public Benefit, Scientific and Cultural Foundation "Fotos Fotiadis" Fotos Ia. Fotiadis said that in a special session of the Foundation, it decided unanimously to honor Professor Georgios Babiniotis with the Award of the Foundation and to announce him as Honorary President of the Foundation.

He said that the members of the Board of Directors of the "Fotos Fotiadis" Foundation came to this decision, appreciating the long-term, multifaceted and multifaceted contribution of the charismatic Greek University Professor of Linguistics in systematic scientific research, study, interpretation and interpretation. spelling of innumerable words of the Modern Greek language as well as the long and prosperous, for almost half a century, his offer as a professor of linguistics at the University of Athens, his invaluable services from the position of Rector of the same University, the post of Minister of Education and of the President of the Historical Arsakeian Schools throughout Greece, of many Teachers and other Institutions and of course positively evaluating his rare research interests and scientific activity with active participation in scientific societies, councils and in Greek and foreign scientific conferences.

Mr. Fotiadis stated that as a further expression of recognition, respect and love, the Foundation in consultation with the Ministry of Education and Culture and the Ministry of Defense, decided to offer copies of the New Dictionary of Prof. Babiniotis, "Dictionary of Derivatives and Compositions Greek. The children and grandchildren of the words of our language ", in all Universities, Secondary Schools and the newly established Academy of Defense, Security and Crisis Management.

Frederick University Professor Georgios Demosthenous referred to the contribution of Georgios Babiniotis to Greek culture. He characterized him as a leading modern Greek linguist, a scientist with international recognition and a rich scientific work that with simplicity and warmth approaches his interlocutor and makes him proud of the Greek language.

In his greeting, the Minister of Education and Culture, Costas Kadis, said that George Babiniotis, in his many years of scientific and research career, has been honored with many and important distinctions. He has studied the Greek language with devotion, love and respect and has dealt systematically with lexicography.

With the immediacy that distinguishes him, his simplicity and his innate communication talents, he noted, he has highlighted in various ways to the general public, the values ​​of our Education and Culture, citing their interconnected relationship and coupling with beauty, wealth , the quality, the particularity but also the universality of the Greek language.

"The last fruit of the work of Professor Babiniotis, his new dictionary, with the apt title" Dictionary of derivatives and composers of Modern Greek. The children and grandchildren of the words of our language ". This dictionary is considered for the reading public and especially teachers, students and pupils a valuable knowledge tool in terms of the exact meaning and correct use of words. The organized material and the detailed data collected in this edition, record the historical evolution of the Greek language from antiquity to the present day and prove its structured, functional and creative character ", he added.

In his greeting, the Mayor of Nicosia, Konstantinos Giorkatzis, said that Professor Georgios Babiniotis, a Greek-loving and patriotic man as few spiritual people have been aptly called "protector of the Greek language".

Studying, he continued, the biography of Georgios Babiniotis, one can only find that the intellectual man who is awarded today, is a unique chapter of Hellenism, but also of the wider Greek intellectual life, which he has recognized and honored with his work.

"The inspired Teacher and clairvoyant scientist, the active citizen, the man with the kind soul - George Babiniotis - never stopped caring and supporting the Hellenism of Cyprus. "The liveliness, the faith and the optimism that he inspires with his work and speech, are life-giving, encouraging and inspiring for us", he added.

In his lecture “Children and grandchildren of the words of our language. The power of the Greek language ", Professor Babiniotis stated that the symbols with which the Greek people are expressed in the Greek language wherever I land, I had the ambition, the effort, the courage, to put my life in the service of capturing the Greek language ”.

This giant who is the Greek language, he noted, a humble linguist stood opposite and tried to describe and write him.

"And this was done for the first time on a scientific, modern linguistic level. Dictionaries have been written remarkably in the past. However, this approach that I wanted to take and that shows from the result that I achieved something, was an effort of people who are experts in language issues, dedicated linguists and this distinguishes and distinguishes my dictionaries from other older or newer ones. dictionaries that are also important ", he added.

I would like, he continued, with the ninth dictionary I have created to say that what we call derivatives and compounds, is the richness of the Greek language and an element of the power of the Greek language.

“The children and grandchildren of our Greek words are the continuation, the timelessness of the language, how from the first elements of the language come and the new elements are created. "This is the second dimension of our strength, the 40-century history of the Greek language", he noted.

What differentiates the Greek language, he said, is the oral and written continuum for 40 centuries in the spoken word, for 35 centuries in the written word. This, he continued, is unique, it is power and woe if we do not believe it, if we do not use it and woe if we do not teach it.

"When I tried to compile this dictionary, I had in mind to give an x-ray of the lexical treasure of our language. To take each word and give the range in which it exists as the core, the word. To give the halo of every word ", he noted.

Professor Babiniotis stated that the main characteristics of the Greek language are the trinity, language-mind-world, which defines human existence and distinguishes it from all other forms of the animal world.

He said that language is above all "value" and "national identity" since the language of every people is its culture, its history, it is its thought, it is its psyche, it is everything, that is, it has an existential character.

"To be proud of the Greek language. But pride must be based on knowledge and data. We all know that the Greek language stands out internationally ", he said, explaining that" the Greek language has the characteristic continuity, that from 2000 BC until today here in this place called Greece, the same language is always spoken, Greek, which in over time, it may change some endings, some meanings, some things but it is the same language ”.

Source: KYPE