The artists who stayed out of Parliament

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The ballot papers of the political parties had a "parade" of bright names this year as well, but the… forces of Art, although too many in the candidacies, occupied few seats in the Parliament… 

In some cases, of course, the names that were left out of Parliament were a surprise as in the previous elections they had gathered the crosses they needed, but this year was the most difficult post-election confrontation and mistakes made by the most prominent names in politics were punished by voters.

Who were left out of Parliament

Although Costas Kazakos and Giannis Vouros were considered "confident", they did not get the ring. The failure of Costas Kazakos was in fact a surprise as in the two previous parliamentary terms he was a Member of Parliament.

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Costas Kazakos when he was in Parliament

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Giannis Vouros in his speech in Parliament

However, neither Vana Barba, who was a candidate with LAOS, nor George Gerolymatos managed to get elected.

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Apart from them, the losers of the match were Anna Fonsou, Thanasis Heimonas, Mary Vidali, Angela Gerekou from PASOK who were out of Parliament. And of course Renos Charalambidis from New Democracy.

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The actor Giannis Bezos, who was a candidate of DIMAR in a non-elected position of the State ballot, was also left out of Parliament. However, neither Eva Kotamanidou, who in the past has passed the parliamentary seats, entered the Parliament this time.

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The LAOS candidate, Giannis Papamichael, was also left out of Parliament (neither did his party get the percentage to be represented in Parliament).

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The president of LA.OS. together with Giannis Papamichael

Many more well-known names from SYRIZA were left out, such as the musicologist Stelios Elliniadis, the actors Panos Skouroliakos and George Pantzas.
