How To Cook Your Vegetables Without Losing Their Valuable Nutrients

a 147 Nea Famagusta
a 4264 Nea FamagustaBy Andris Vassilios *:

Every food is full of nutrients such as carbohydrates, proteins, fats, vitamins, minerals and trace elements. Many foods can be eaten raw, while others need to be cooked first.

For some nutrients, heat is a big "enemy", as they are destroyed during the cooking process, before they even reach our table. This is why many people recommend foods that can be eaten raw, such as various raw vegetables in salads.

We all know the importance of daily intake of 5-9 servings of fruits and vegetables in order to reduce the risk of certain chronic diseases, such as cancer.

Are all the important nutrients and vitamins lost from our vegetables when they are cooked?

Most evidence suggests that there is some truth to this. It has been shown that when vegetables are boiled a significant amount of vitamins is released into the water in which they are cooked. The intensity of this phenomenon varies depending on how much water is used during cooking as well as the time when the vegetables are cooked. It seems frustrating to eat your vegetables as recommended and not take the anti-cancer substances and vitamins they contain.

What you can do to maintain both the anti-cancer substances and the vitamins of your vegetables:

The solution lies in choosing the right way to cook your vegetables. Perhaps the best method of preparing your vegetables in order to retain both their vitamins and their anti-cancer properties is the steam method. Using the steam method, your vegetables are cooked over boiling water, without the water coming in direct contact with the vegetables. If you do not have a steamer, you can try sautéing (fast passage of vegetables in a very small amount of olive oil). It is also a good idea to cut your vegetables into large pieces before cooking so that their exposed surface is reduced in hot water.

Now that you know how to prepare your vegetables in order to get the maximum benefits for your health, why not prepare some steamed vegetables for your next meal. They will be delicious and rich in anti-cancer substances.

* Andri Vassiliou
Dietitian Nutritionist