Provocative Bagis talks about annexation of occupied areas

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"All options are on the table for the Cyprus issue, even the possibility of 'Turkey annexing Northern Cyprus,'" Turkish European Affairs Minister Egemen Bagis said in an interview with the Turkish Cypriot daily Kibris, overcoming any provocation. 

In coordination with former British Foreign Secretary Jack Straw, who told the Turkish daily Radical that "unless there is a change, the international community must take into account the partition of Cyprus", Bagis threatens that the annexation of occupied displays as an option.

According to him, the options that currently exist for the Cyprus issue are:

"Reunification after agreement of (two) leaders, creation of two independent states after agreement of two leaders - if they fail to reach an agreement on reunification - or annexation of Northern Cyprus to Turkey… These are the options on the table", said Bagis from London, adding that Turkey would support any agreement reached by Greek Cypriots and Turkish Cypriots.

Source: iKypros