How far are yesterday's sexist ads from today?

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When is the last time you saw a man in an ad put on a washing machine and happily spread his laundry in the sun to dry? Or to wash the dishes and then gently caress his hands displaying the good ingredients of the detergent? Probably never.

At a time when sexism and stereotypes should be eliminated, they keep coming back, through commercial or other means that display female "models" that, logically, should be far from reality.

For decades now, sexist ads have held up well, and many of them not only approach the older ones but in many cases surpass them. The vocabulary has changed, as have the figures of the women who project it, but the meaning remains the same.

We have collected some classic - and indicative - cases of advertisements and we present them. By reading behind the words and looking behind the pictures, one can easily identify the similarities with today's data.

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Source: City free press