Appetite is related to the quality of sleep

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Satisfactory duration and quality of sleep at the first level indicates a degree of mental well-being. In contrast, in sleep deprivation situations, food is easily transformed into a vehicle of mental relief - from stress, pressure, anger, sadness, pain, boredom…

A recent study published in the Annals of Internal Medicine found that sleep deprivation alters the levels of hormones in the brain that regulate appetite, increasing hunger and appetite for food. In the United States, research has shown that from 1960 until today, the average sleep duration of the average adult has decreased by two hours, while the incidence of obesity has increased rapidly.

Sleep deprivation may be a risk factor for obesity. So try to prioritize a satisfactory amount and quality of sleep and at the same time plan your daily diet so that you have a structured diet, which will prevent you from deviating when you are stressed from work.
