My soul dies after the other races

a 367 Α-Right
a 6857 Α-Right
By Marios Adamos

The dominant Greek people spoke. Shouting in agony, forced to give the message of his need for survival, he went to the polls choosing even political formations that did not express him, in a dead-end dilemma that had so skillfully set him up. 

He condemned what he had experienced deep in his marrow until today and risked sending a message in the hope that, "if they do not take it and this time we have nothing left" !!!

Because, when you reach the bottom, when you lose your job, your home, when your whole daily life is turned upside down, when you can not support your family, when your children go abroad, when you do not have to get a chocolate for your grandchild and you lose it independence of your country but also the freedom in your own neighborhood, then you have nothing to fear because the only thing left for you to lose are these chains of yours. As I wrote in an earlier post, Greece has become an economic guinea pig. So the Greek people on Sunday chose to dance the dance of Zalongos and whoever gets the grace. After all, the wet one is not afraid of the rain.

If all this reminds us of something, all we have to do is look in the mirror. Let some people get the messages here too before it is too late for them but primarily for the place. I address right, left, center, central government, parties and local leaders. Those who hold power and sometimes treat it as they see fit, serving selfish interests, ignoring the will of the people.

Let go of thoughtful analysis and lectures. They still have time to turn 180 degrees, and return to the obvious, that is, to serve the interests of the PEOPLE. Otherwise, the people have only to make the decision and do the "I die my soul after the Aliens", dragging everything in its path.

PS: As for the entry of Golden Dawn in the parliament, what can one say, it is to hit your head on the wall. But those who raised the snake egg, with their policies, now let them run to collect them, the boys with the shaved heads and the swastikas. Let us be careful, lest any of the budding "fascists" we have down here be discouraged. The tradition of the Greek nation, if they knew a little history, does not fit such orphan ideologies and perceptions. Fascism and Greece are completely opposite concepts. But we said let us be careful, in difficult times like today such situations thrive…