EDEK condemns the attribution of "citizenship" to settlers

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a 5493 News

Famagusta MP of EDEK KS George Barnabas on Tuesday condemned the fact that the occupation regime has recently been advancing and giving the so-called citizenship of the pseudo-state to settlers, who, as he noted, have illegally entered and lived illegally in Cyprus.

Speaking in Parliament, Mr. Barnabas said that "it seems that the Turkish side is relentlessly moving towards completing the goal, which has begun with the Turkish invasion, which is nothing more than differentiating the demographics of our country."

"The reasons why the pseudo-state is proceeding in this process are very clear," he said, noting that "it is certainly at a future stage to use these numbers in the negotiations to resolve the Cyprus problem, so that the occupation regime can stay here becomes more settlers ".

He called on the United Nations, which he said had recently monitored the registration of people living in the occupied territories, to take the necessary steps to stop the demographic change in the occupied territories.