Two out of three Greeks want a government of cooperation

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When asked who is more suitable for prime minister among Ant. Samaras and Ev. Venizelos 52,4% declare "nobody". With bipartisanship exceeding only 33%, the multi-fragmentation of the political system is evident in the MRB poll published in Real News… 

In the intention to vote, ND leads with 20,5% against 12,7% of PASOK, followed by SYRIZA with 8,6%, KKE with 7,9 &, Independent Greeks with 7,1%, DIMAR with 7%, Chrysi Avgi with 3,9%, Green Ecologists with 2,9%, LAOS with 2,5% and DISY. with 2,4%. In the victory show, ND leads with 50,6% against 4% of PASOK, while 26,7% believe that no party will win the elections.

Fotis Kouvelis appears first in the popularity of political leaders, followed by Loukas Papadimos, Pannos Kammenos, Alexis Tsipras, Antonis Samaras, Giannis Dimaras, Evangelos Venizelos, Aleka Papariga, Dora Bakogianni, George Kalatas Kairakas, George Karatzanas Miratzas Karatzas Miratzas Karatzanas

When asked who is more suitable for prime minister among Ant. Samaras and Ev. Venizelos 52,4% declare "no one" while 22,9% elect the President of ND and 20,9% the President of PASOK.

65,7% are in favor of a co-operative government to address the country's problems while 32,7% believe that no party alone will be effective in case of autonomy.

Source: AMPE