Kim Jong Un's brother killed with chemical weapons

a 6 News
It is considered the most toxic known gas in the world
a 446 News

North Korean leader Kim Jong Un's half-brother was killed with a highly toxic chemical weapon known as neurotoxic agent VX, Malaysian police said today, citing a preliminary report.

Kim Jong Nam exhaled after an attack at Kuala Lumpur International Airport last Monday as he prepared to leave for Macau.

South Korean and US officials have said Kim Jong Nam, who lived on Chinese territory in Beijing-protected Macau, was executed by North Korean agents.

Police say laboratory samples taken from the eye and face from a Malaysian state chemist bore traces of VX, which is considered a weapon of mass destruction by the United Nations.

Malaysian police chief Khalid Abu Bakr said the analysis of all the data from the crime scene was continuing, while earlier he had said that a Vietnamese woman and an Indonesian woman had spread a liquid on Kim Jong Nam's face and then washed their hands and shaved. on the run.

Footage from airport security cameras posted by Japan's Fuji TV channel shows women apparently attacking Kim Jong Nam, who later appeared in the scene seeking medical help from hospital staff to recover. transporting him to hospital.

Agent VX is a tasteless and odorless chemical, and its use is prohibited by the Chemical Weapons Convention, except for research or medical or pharmaceutical purposes.

It can be prepared in the form of liquid, cream or propellant gas. If absorbed in large doses, it kills in 15 minutes, according to the U.S. Army's Edgewood Chemical Biological Center, and is considered the most toxic known gas in the world.

Yesterday, Malaysia asked Interpol to issue an arrest warrant for the four North Korean nationals suspected of murder. Police are also holding another North Korean, but are looking for seven other people in connection with the murder.
