A coffee… recyclable

a 1 Little Secrets
a 55 Little Secrets

Made entirely of recyclable materials

There are cafes and coffee shops. But none is like the Noorderparkbar Coffee Shop which is located in Amsterdam and is made entirely of used objects such as old windows and skylights… 

The Noorderparkbar Coffe Shop for history was built by the Bureau SLA and Overtreders W who built and designed it at the same time as the process of finding items across the Netherlands was time consuming. Even the shutters of the Noorderparkbar Coffee Shop have been processed with an ancient Japanese technique called shoo sugi, thus giving an earthy tone to the whole building.

I leave you with photos from the Noorderparkbar Coffee Shop and the belief that at some point we will all drink an espresso at the Noorderparkbar.

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a2 Little Secrets
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Source: Pestaola.gr