"Sunny" Christmas

a 48 News
a 5204 News

Take a break in the rainy scenery today, Christmas Eve winter. Tomorrow, Christmas day, the weather will be clear and the temperature will rise slightly. The same scenario will prevail on Wednesday and Thursday.

The rains of the last few days have been particularly beneficial. The Kannaviou dam also overflowed yesterday. This is the sixth of the eight dams in the province of Paphos, which overflow in a period of 6 days, after the overflow of the dams of Argaka, Pomos, Arminos, Asprokremnos and Evretos.

The Cannabis Dam is the fourth largest dam in Cyprus and the third largest dam in the province of Paphos, with a capacity of 17,2 million cubic meters of water.

The Cannabis Dam is overflowing for the second time this year. It first overflowed in early 2012.