Which seats on the plane are considered safer?

CEB1 15 News, Research
CEB1 355 News, Research

The question of which seat is safer on the plane concerns many travelers who may enjoy air travel but also have a fear of staying in the air.

In 2015, Time researchers processed US Civil Aviation Authority data over a period of 35 years, trying to find which part of the plane is safer to sit on.

Limiting their research to 17 accidents since 1985, they found that the seats in the rear of the plane recorded lower occupant mortality rates, at 32%, compared to 39% in the middle of the plane and 38% in the front.

It was preceded in 2007 by a Popular Mechanics study that looked at the survival rates of every US plane crash since 1971.

They had come to the same conclusion, that the rear seats are the safest. The survival rate of the passengers sitting there was 69% compared to 56% of the passengers sitting at the height of the wing and 49% of the passengers sitting in the front.

These findings, however, notes the British newspaper Independent, are not confirmed by the authorities. For example, a representative of the US Civil Security Service commented that the question is old but there is no answer. The Boeing website states that each seat is just as secure as the others.

In any case, according to the publication, the chances of being killed in flight are one in 4,7 million.

Source: Newsbeast