Pancyprian exams and stress

a 108 Little Secrets
a 4380 Little Secrets

The Pancyprian Examinations are a stressful situation for teenagers and the focus of their daily lives, especially in the last grade of high school. Pressure from parents and teachers, competition, the busy schedule, and the exam system itself are some of the factors that cause stress to students. But the main concern is the examination process.

The issues that will arise, whether the student will understand the question, whether he will remember the answer or his thinking will be stuck are common concerns of adolescents. Under these circumstances and based on personal interpretation and understanding of situations, stress is a normal reaction of the adolescent, who tries to cope with the demanding reality created by the Cypriot exams.

Stress is functional when it motivates and helps the person to be creative. When he is intense he creates problems in his emotional calm and reduces his abilities.

Anxiety as an emotion is expressed with various symptoms. Adolescents often complain of headaches, poor sleep, tachycardia, etc. (physical symptoms), become irritable, emotional, have a negative mood, etc. (emotional symptoms), have difficulty concentrating, memory blockage or negative thoughts (cognitive symptoms) or are absent from school, are isolated, lagging behind in reading (behavioral symptoms).

The goal is not to eliminate stress, as it is a normal emotion that accompanies every change and development in our lives, but to manage it so that it is a creative, motivating emotion for teenagers.

Here are some general ways to deal with stress. Of course, the unique personality of each child must be taken into account. If your teen is unable to manage his or her stress to the point that his or her symptoms persist and cause problems with his or her emotional calm and functioning, it is a good idea to consult a specialist.

First of all, good preparation, reading and frequent repetitions reduce stress. Adolescents are often stressed because they have material gaps. They need to learn to organize and plan their time. It is important for them to recognize the stress, the factors that stress them as well as how it is expressed physically, in their thoughts and behavior. This helps them to control it better and thus be less afraid of it. It is very helpful to share their feelings with their parents and people they trust, not to be isolated.

Lack of friends and socializing increases stress. To learn to trust themselves, not to criticize them but to reward them and to focus on their positive characteristics and abilities. It is important that they think positively but also realistically. They do not say "I know everything", "I will not be afraid at all" but "I am well prepared", "even if I am afraid I will face it". Have realistic expectations and goals based on their abilities and interests.

Also the fantasy of exams and what is stressful helps to get acquainted with them. It is good to respect their limits and to limit others by saying "no" and expressing what they want. They can not (nor should they) please everyone around them and control every situation. If an obligation is stressful, they should take a break. Under pressure what they do will not be done properly. It is very important for teenagers to do things that please and relax them. They not only have the obligation to study but also to have free time to use it as they want. If during the exams they feel intense anxiety, take deep breaths.

The physical symptoms of anxiety subside after a while. If they do not know a subject or it is difficult let them move on to the next one and come back later. At the end of the exam it is important for students to reward themselves for their effort, even if the result is not what is desired.

Pancyprians should not be associated with the value of adolescents as individuals nor should failure or success determine their self-esteem.

They are judged only for their knowledge of specific objects at that particular time. Also, admission to a school does not guarantee a successful professional career at the same time. It is important for the adolescent through this experience to learn to love learning and to try to achieve his goals by making decisions and taking initiatives as he enters the adult phase of his life.
