New competition for recruitment of hoplites - It also concerns women

neos diagonismos gia proslipsi opliton afora kai gynaikes National Guard
neos diagonismos gia proslipsi opliton afora kai gynaikes National Guard

Nicosia: The procedures for announcing a new competition for the recruitment of Contract Hoplites (SYOP) in the National Guard are in the final stage. The new competition has basically two goals. On the one hand to cover the number of SYOPs who resigned from the ranks of the National Guard after their recruitment, and on the other hand to compile a new list of candidates for immediate coverage of future needs that will arise so that their number is kept constant at 3.000.

Of the 3.000 hired last November in the National Guard, about 160 resigned either because they were unhappy or because they found another job.

What is remarkable about the new procedure for recruiting professional soldiers in the National Guard is the fact that women who meet the same criteria set out in the original announcement will also be eligible to participate in the competition. In addition, national guards who are already serving their military service will be able to participate, however they will be able to be recruited only after the completion of their military obligations.

It is noted that a total of 5.005 applications were submitted in the initial announcement. However, out of 5.005 interested parties, only 3.651 met the criteria set by the Ministry of Defense. By the date of their presentation to the KEN, many regretted and started the calls from the list of 651 runners-up.

The procedure to be followed will be the same as the previous one. That is, those who are hired will attend rapid training in KEN and then will be placed in the units where there is a need. Those who are hired will also have the benefits of studying. In particular, they will have the opportunity to study with reduced tuition fees of up to 50%, offered by the private universities and higher education institutions of Cyprus in the framework of their collaborations with the Ministry of Defense.
