Nutrition for excellent performance in school exams

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For better memory and spiritual clarity

The school exam period has begun and students, as well as their parents, are wondering how they will achieve the best performance… 

A particularly important role is played by a balanced diet, which supplies the body with energy, vitamins and minerals, which help in self-concentration, memory function and mental clarity.

Therefore, parents and students should be aware of the following dietary guidelines:

1) The good day from breakfast seems! Breakfast is a very important meal - it can either make or break your day. It is recommended to consume foods rich in carbohydrates, which supply the brain with the best fuel, glucose. In addition, a proper breakfast should include foods high in good fats (omega-3 and omega-6) and B vitamins, which help the nervous system function better and mental clarity. Thus, ideal options for breakfast are: milk, honey, bread, whole grain cereals, rusks, crackers, nuts, fruits, juices, soft margarines.

2) Frequency of meals: The more often the better !!! Eating small and frequent meals helps keep the student awake and increases his / her efficiency. In contrast, large meals cause drowsiness and reduce the child's concentration and thinking ability. Healthy suggestions for light snacks are:

• A cool fruit salad with a variety of fruits honey, cinnamon and nuts
• Yogurt with fruits, honey and nuts
• Yogurt with honey or jam or dessert
• Whole grains with skim milk
• Whole grain cereal bar with fruit or chocolate
• 1 piece of health chocolate or crayon
• Dried fruit
• 2-3 cookies

3) Variety of foods: in the difficult period of the exams it is important to consume food from all groups (dairy, fruits, vegetables, rice, spaghetti, meat, fish), so that the student does not feel deprived and receives all the nutrients. However, special emphasis should be placed on foods rich in:

• Iron deficiency causes attention, memory and behavior disorders, and is closely linked to lower IQs. Sources: beef, liver, prunes, lentils, shellfish, sesame.

Zinc: A recent study by the Dutch Institute of Health found that children who received regular zinc had increased learning ability and performance in writing and better memory. Sources: Zucchini, shellfish, red meat, sardines, liver

• B-complex vitamins: participate in the production of acetylcholine which is responsible for transporting stimuli to the nerve cells of the brain and improve mental capacity. Sources: Milk, eggs, legumes, brown bread, rice,

If the student is not eating properly, then it is recommended to take multivitamin supplements, which, among other things, help in the mental function. Caffeine supplements should be given with extreme caution, as they over-stimulate the nervous system.

Multivitamins should be selected that contain all the necessary elements, vitamins, minerals and trace elements. In addition, high-grade Ginseng G115 extract supplements must be taken in the right amount and proportion, available through a Pharmacy and manufactured by reputable companies, in accordance with all GMP specifications.

Pay attention to the following:

- During the preparation or the days of the exams, a strict weight loss diet should not be followed.
- On the last day, before the exams, do not eat food that causes disgust to the student or food that the child has not tried before, as there is a risk that food foreign to the child may cause intolerance or stomach upset, especially due to increased stress. of the day.
- More attention should be paid to dinner, as a heavy dinner can affect the student's relaxation and rest and consequently his performance the next day.