Kos: Navy boat collides with a boat full of refugees - Injured and missing

Six refugees were injured in the clash, while a minor child and two men are missing.

1 929 34 refugees, Kos, Lemvos, boat of the port, CONFLICT
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A boat with 34 refugees collided with a boat of the port in Kos at dawn.

Six refugees were injured in the clash, while a minor child and two men are missing.

Three Coast Guard vessels were immediately called to the area, one private and one Frontex vessel participating in the search and rescue operation.

So far, 31 people have been collected and transported to the port of Kos, while the injured were transported to the hospital of the island.

The investigations continue while a ladder of the port is rushing to the area.

According to the Coast Guard, the boat with the refugees did not have a traffic light, with the result that the pilots of the inflatable boat that was patrolling did not notice it and the collision occurred.

Source: in.gr