Earthquake / Florina: "A rich post-earthquake sequence is expected"

The first earthquake of 5,3 on the Richter scale occurred at 23:43 yesterday

f48bc0a256fffebadbb9c53f00da2f34 post-earthquake sequence, EARTHQUAKE, florina

The assessment that there will be a rich post-earthquake sequence and the decision to close the schools was correctly made, was made by the professor of Geophysics, president of the Department of Geology of the Aristotle University of Thessaloniki, Costas Papazachos.

In his statements to APE-MPE, Mr. Papazahos stated that the seismic sequence is in full swing and because the epicenter is very close to Florina, the earthquakes are particularly felt.

"The area is of low seismicity and has many faults that are completely unknown, as well as the specific one that gave yesterday's earthquake and which is not mapped", stressed the professor of AUTh.

It is reminded that the earthquake of 5,3 on the Richter scale occurred at 23:43 yesterday and after a decision of the mayors of Florina, Amyntaio and Prespa, the primary and secondary schools and kindergartens in the Primary School will remain closed today.