European Sports Week: "Be Active" in the Municipality of Deryneia!

42870511 2101097180152287 8868979270056148992 n Be Active, Deryneia, AGO Famagusta, Sports, Sports, Municipality of Deryneia, European Sports Week, Nea Famagusta

The Deryneia Fun Sports Day was crowned with great success, "Be Active" organized in the Municipality of Deryneia for the second consecutive year, in collaboration with the Sports for All (AGO) program with the support of the European Union.

43063173 2101100103485328 9010219681901969408 n Be Active, Deryneia, AGO Famagusta, Sports, Sports, Municipality of Deryneia, European Sports Week, Nea Famagusta

The day was dedicated to everyone regardless of age, origin or fitness level. The aim was to promote participation in sports and to raise awareness about the benefits of physical activity.

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Ordinary citizens from Deryneia and the surrounding areas, gave their presence at the Deryneia Theme Park, where for three hours they had the opportunity to exercise and get acquainted with new sports and activities such as: archery, chess, table tennis, cycling, martial arts , Rhythmic Gymnastics, Step Aerobic, Rock With Pound, Zumba and Circular Training.

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At the same time, attendees could get advice from a Dietitian-Nutritionist for proper nutrition but also from a Podiatrist-Podiatrist.

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Sports teams of the Municipality of Deryneia and the neighboring Municipalities participated, as well as organized teams of all ages with sports demonstrations.

In its first participation, in 2017, the Municipality of Deryneia was distinguished with 2η location from all sports villages of Cyprus.

42870511 2101097180152287 8868979270056148992 n Be Active, Deryneia, AGO Famagusta, Sports, Sports, Municipality of Deryneia, European Sports Week, Nea Famagusta

42915718 349535758948255 8033483589817466880 n 1 Be Active, Deryneia, AGO Famagusta, Sports, Sports, Municipality of Deryneia, European Sports Week, Nea Famagusta