Japan: A mother confessed 20 years after she cemented her four babies!


The confession of 53-year-old Mayumi Saito, who cemented her four newborn babies, has caused shock

The 53-year-old was initially handed over to Japan two decades after her horrific crime and said she felt guilty. Like, she claimed she was very poor and kept the four buckets in her closet.

Police arrested her when they discovered human bones at the point she had pointed out to them in a closet in her house.

Police are still investigating the woman who lives with her son and are trying to find out exactly what happened.

"I did not think I could make it and raise them. I did not have to talk to anyone. "

The cause of infant deaths remains unclear. however, Saito said she put her newborn babies in concrete from 1992 to 1997 because she was too poor to raise them.