"Successful" the first transplant of a human head… into a corpse


The controversial Italian doctor Sergio Canavero claims that he has performed the first successful transplant of a human head into a corpse. 

He said in a statement from Austria on Friday that the operation was performed in China and that his new techniques for reuniting the spine, nerves and blood cells, which will allow the body to function, were successful. 

"The first human transplant into a corpse has taken place," said the Italian surgeon. "The transfer between the brain and the dead donor is the next step. The final stage is the complete transfer of the head to another body for medical reasons ".

It is recalled that the Italian surgeon has already announced that he will perform surgery on a living person. In fact, he has found his first patient. 

This is Valery Spiridonov, who suffers from a rare muscle disease that has confined him to a wheelchair and hopes that with a new body he will be able to get the life he wants. 

The operation was scheduled for December 2017, but will probably be delayed.

