Rapper killed by falling off airplane wing in shooting for video clip

jonjames23102 rapper

He has been training for months for this trick

A Canadian rapper was tragically killed while filming a video clip as he fell while walking on the wing of an airplane.   

Jon James McMurray, known in the music industry as Jon James, filmed with a team that makes videos with stuntmen performing various stunts on airplanes and parachutes.     

The manager of the 34-year-old said that the rapper had been trained "intensively" for the specific trick, but while walking on the wing of the plane, little Cesna made a maneuver downwards.   

Friends of McMurray expressed their grief over his death, citing an "incredible talent" in music. Rory Wayne Bushfield, who knew him as a child, told the British Star that the rapper had been training for this trick for months. "It simply came to our notice then. It should move straight. "We are still not sure what exactly happened up there," he commented. 

