What does the foreign press write about the result of the elections in Greece

What does the foreign press write about the result of the elections in Greece

Foreign press reports focus on the new prime minister

"The center-right regains power in Greece", "Mitsotakis' right triumphs, heavy defeat for Alexis Tsipras", "New Democracy victory marks the end of left-wing populism", "New prime minister for Greece" are some of them foreign media headlines about the results of the national elections in Greece.

The foreign press reports focus on the face of the new prime minister, Kyriakos Mitsotakis, but also the change in the political scene in our country, with the return of the right to power and the defeat of Alexis Tsipras.

With the integration almost complete, at 99,84%, New Democracy emerges victorious in the parliamentary elections with a percentage of 39,85% against 31,53% of SYRIZA. Today at 13:00 Kyriakos Mitsotakis will be at the Presidential Palace in order to be sworn in as Prime Minister and to receive from Prokopis Pavlopoulos the mandate to form a government. Immediately after, he will go to the Maximos Palace for the handover ceremony of the prime minister's office by his predecessor Alexis Tsipras.

"The center-right is regaining power in Greece," the BBC writes

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"Elections in Greece: New Democracy Victory Marks End of Left Populism," CNN Says

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"Sweeping victory for the center-right New Democracy party" is the Guardian headline

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"Greek PM admits electoral defeat as Conservatives win elections," says Independent

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"The center-right has returned to power," the Financial Times reported

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"Kyriakos Mitsotakis' right triumphs, heavy defeat for Alexis Tsipras" is the title of the French Le Parisien

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In the same vein, Le Monde writes: "With an absolute majority, the candidate of the right Mitsotakis wins the bet"

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Les Echos writes about the admission of defeat by Alexis Tsipras

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"Victory of the conservative Mitsotakis in the elections in Greece" writes the Spanish El Pais

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"New Prime Minister in Greece" writes the German Bild

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"Less state, less taxes, more investment: the winner of the elections Mitsotakis promises quick reforms" is the title of Handelsblatt

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