Berlin: Denial of the pandemic attempted to invade the Chancellery

The perpetrator is not only elderly but also disabled, while the phrase "Cursed child killers" was written in white paint in his car.

1e9793ada46ce80288f68cb11e5adb76 Αρνητής Πανδημίας, ΒΕΡΟΛΙΝΟ

An elderly man, a conspiracy theorist and a pandemic denier, appears to have been the perpetrator of the car bombing attempt at the Chancellery in Berlin this morning.

The external guard of the Chancellery managed to stop the elderly man at the last moment, before he managed to enter its courtyard.

In fact, the perpetrator is not only elderly but also disabled, while the phrase "Cursed child killers" was written in white paint in his car.

The perpetrator was arrested, while so far it remains unknown whether he was armed.

It should be noted that in recent days there have been many manifestations of pandemic in Germany, some of which have resulted in violent incidents.

Source: KYPE