Prohibition decrees against epidemiologists were withdrawn

"Plaintiffs agree to withdraw application for interim injunctions"

Untitled project 2021 06 11T113118.570 EPIDEMIOLOGISTS, LEGAL SERVICE

Announcement of the Legal Service for the lawsuit against the Republic of Cyprus, the Minister of Health and members of the Advisory Epidemiological Committee:

In relation to the case in which 103 persons are suing the Republic of Cyprus, the Minister of Health and members of the Advisory Epidemiological Committee for the legality and validity of the Decrees of the Minister of Health as a way of managing the pandemic COVID-19, the Legal Service informs about the following:

Following a recommendation from the Legal Service, the plaintiffs agreed to withdraw the application for a temporary injunction against all members of the Advisory Epidemiological Committee, with the result that the application against them was rejected. The Legal Service also recommended the withdrawal of all legal proceedings against the members of the Advisory Epidemiological Committee, including the lawsuit.

The Republic of Cyprus and the Minister of Health, represented by a group of lawyers of the Legal Service, objected to the issuance of the above temporary injunctions and the Nicosia District Court issued instructions to submit their objection in writing by 23 June 2021, to be appointed for hearing on 1η July 2021.