An increase in the price of fuel is expected from next week in Cyprus.
Speaking at Mesimeri kai Kati, the president of the Cyprus Consumers' Association, Marios Drousiotis, referred to the Consumer Service of the Ministry of Energy but also to the increases in fuel prices. Referring to fuel prices, he said that unfortunately the increases will start from next week. According to Mr. Drousiotis, prices will increase by 6 to 7 cents per liter.
Specifically, Mr. Drousiotis, referring to the consumer service of the Ministry of Energy, characterized it as "elementary level".
"Our objection is that the observatory of the Ministry of Energy gives evidence that leads to wrong conclusions and these conclusions have an impact on the psychology of the world.
Prices have stabilized in December and this is a very positive element compared to November and even showed a slight decrease.
We, as a Cypriot consumer association, study the observatory of the statistical service, which is of university level and I characterize the level of the Ministry of Energy as elementary ".
He went on to say, "The Ministry of Energy showed that vegetables had an increase of 5-22%. The observatory of the Department of Statistics and Research shows a decrease of 10%.
That is why I say that it leads to wrong conclusions and that is why it would be good if the Ministry of Energy did not publish them if it continues to be done in this way.
The Ministry of Energy received a price on December 8 and a price on December 12, for three items. The Department of Statistics and Research takes prices every week and brings out the average, it is a more scientific approach ".