Here is the decree for increasing people at tables in the dining areas

The same decree for the increase of people at tables in the dining areas

estiasipremiemartis2021 7 scaled 1 DECREE
The new decree of the Minister of Health was published in the official newspaper of the Republic, which concerns the increase of the number of persons per table in the restaurants and recreation areas to 10 people per table.
This decision was taken at yesterday's meeting of the Council of Ministers and has been regulated by a Decree, which enters into force today.
The Decree in detail
This Decree will be referred to as the Infection (Defining Measures to Prevent the Spread of the Coronavirus) COVID-19) Decree (No. 25) of 2021.
2.1 Regulation 2.2 (m) of the Infectious Diseases (Definition of Measures to Prevent the Spread of the Coronavirus COVID-19) Decree (No. 20) of 2021, deleted and repealed.

2.2 Subparagraph (ii) of Regulation 2.2 (oz) on Infection (Defining Measures to Prevent the Spread of the Coronavirus) COVID-19) Decree (No. 20) of 2021, is amended by deleting the phrase "eight (8)" (first line) and replacing it with the phrase "ten (10)".

2.3 Subparagraph (ii) of Regulation 2.2 (oi) of the Infectious Disease (Definition of Measures to Prevent the Spread of the Coronavirus COVID-19) Decree (No. 20) of 2021, is amended by deleting the phrase "eight (8)" (first line) and replacing it with the phrase "ten (10)".

2.4 Regulation 2.1 (a) on Infection (Defining Measures to Prevent the Spread of the Coronavirus) COVID-19) Decree (No. 24) of 2021, amended: (a) by deleting the word "and" at the end of sub-paragraph (ii) thereof, (b) by adding the word "and" at the end of sub-paragraph (iii) and (c) by adding the following new subparagraph (iv) immediately after subparagraph (iii):

"(Iv) seafarers regardless of nationality, under terms and conditions set by the Ministry of Shipping in accordance with its guidelines,".

2.5 Regulation 2.17 of the Infectious Diseases (Definition of Measures to Prevent the Spread of the Coronavirus COVID-19) Decree (No. 20) of 2021, is amended as follows:

(i) by adding in paragraph (a) thereof, immediately after the word "self-restraint" (seventh line), the phrase "or mandatory restriction", and (ii) by adding in paragraph (b) thereof, immediately after the word "self-limitation" (twelfth line), the phrase "or compulsory restriction".

3. This Decree enters into force upon its publication in the Official Gazette of the Republic.