Canon for Ecclesiastics: "Outdoor services can also be done"

Estimates on how the Churches can function on Christmas day, said Canonist Areti Demosthenous

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The virtue that outdoor services can be performed by observing the protocols or even during the whole day of Christmas instead of only in the morning, expressed the Virtue Demosthenes Canonologist - Islamologist at KYPE.

In her statements to KYPE, Ms. Demosthenous stated that the church is not a cafeteria or gym, noting that outdoor services can be done at noon, even three services on the same day, even in stages keeping distances and applying the measures.

He pointed out that not everything needs to be done in the morning, at dawn, stating that according to the Holy Canons they can be done during the whole Christmas day. She estimated that the churches will be opened, assuring however that there are very few who will go to church and they will implement the measures.

It is the spirit that gives life, hope, health, he noted, adding that the multifactoriality of the measures is necessary to fight the pandemic and not unilateralism.

Mrs. Demosthenes said that the coronavirus exists and we all agree that we must defeat it, adding that most Synod members want the churches to be opened during the festivities according to the health protocols and that they have expressed this view through letters and posts. The Archbishop did the same, he said, adding that the Holy Synod will convene for this purpose next Tuesday.