Kyriakos needs an immediately compatible donor. You can help too! (pics)

KIRIAKOS VOITHIA 1 donors, bone marrow donors, volunteers

The sampling will take place next Saturday, December 2

Sampling to find a compatible bone marrow donor for 22-year-old Kyriakos Koudounas is being held on Saturday, December 2nd in Limassol.

Sampling is organized by the charity Letshelp, the private tutoring CORE and the Association "Then came spring».

As we mentioned, the sampling will take place next Saturday, December 2, from 3 to 6 in the afternoon, in a room of the Tutoring Center in Monovoliko.

Volunteer donors should be between 18 and 45 years old.

KIRIAKOS VOITHIA donors, bone marrow donors, volunteers

Source: cyprustimes