This means Cypriot: They went to "Pournara" and offered cooked food to those immigrants who stayed outside the reception center

More than 200 people were left out

Main Image x2 17 volunteers, Immigrants

Shivers of emotion and mixed emotions overwhelm those who participated but also saw the movement of humanity from volunteer team, who was informed that in the hospitality center "Pournara" more than 200 people were left out they needed food.
Cypriot volunteers immediately mobilized to support those migrants who could not be accommodated in the center.

As reported by Maria Antoniou, its creator "I hug with love" and a front line volunteer, in a post on Wednesday "Late in the afternoon we were informed that since the arrival of immigrants at the reception center" Pournara "more than 200 people were left outside the center and needed our support. Our conscience did not allow us to go to bed without even trying for these people although it was incredibly difficult to cook extra portions of the already established ones offered to the needy families supported by the union. It did not take more than two minutes of thought to call on the front-line volunteers of all the cities to join forces. I will not tell you more… See for yourself the result of the teamwork of the biggest hug of love !!! THANK YOU VERY MUCH TO ALL THE VOLUNTEERS ".

These are the moments when the Cypriots unite, humanity overcomes all discrimination and human life comes above all. It's the moment you do not see the other as an illegal immigrant but as a human being who made a huge journey for a hope for a better life and leave behind anything else you could think negatively about the phenomenon of illegal immigrants.

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