On the road the motorcyclists of the Isaac - Solomos Memorial Initiative

89637d3bb70a9b90388db341d868e9a5 μοτοσικλετιστές, Πορεία Μνήμης Ισαάκ-Σολωμού

The Isaac - Solomos Memorial Initiative started its course starting from the monastery of Macheiras. The motorcyclists will pass through the roadblocks and the Tomb of Makedonitissa, while tomorrow they will march to the free province of Famagusta and to the roadblock of Deryneia.

At the roadblock where two young men, Tassos Isaac and Solomos Solomou, gave their lives for the ideals of freedom.

It is worth noting that the procession headed towards the Roadblock of Agios Dometios, closing it symbolically for 10 minutes, while as soon as they were noticed, pseudo-police, the occupying army and the UN men mobilized.

The Isaac-Solomou Memorial Initiative responded with a silent protest, with the sound of their motorbikes, while after a while they continued their march towards Ledra Palace, while they will stop at the roadblock of Ledra.

15f2e62fbacabb motorcyclists, Isaac-Solomos Memorial March

The posting of the Isaac - Solomos Memorial Initiative

From Kyprianos to Afxentiou, from Grigoris, to Tassos and to Solomos

With heavy debt and centuries of history in their sacks, the members of the "Isaac-Solomou Memory Initiative" began their journey on Friday, August 7, 2020, a different path to freedom due to a pandemic, almost 24 years after the outbreak of that August .

Starting from Nicosia, around 80 motorcyclists greeted the Pentadaktylos and pressed the accelerator for Macheras. Guided by the identity and the historical continuity of Hellenism, they stopped in Kambia, outside the sanctuary of the Transfiguration of the Savior. Where polygenesis roars, months before its 200 years. On the statue of Ethnomartyr Kyprianou, the Initiative laid a wreath of lazia, carrying the memories of the night of Defterogionis:

With the mind of the Ninth of July and the company of the mother of Tassos Isaac and Anastasia, of the swallow that flew after that August, the motorcyclists ascended to the sacred Macheras. They heard the shocking story of the Monastery from Father Alexios and were initiated into the mystery of the wild mountains. They bowed again to the Deputy Chief of EOKA and lived his "Farewell", in a simple trishagio down in the hideout. From there, they took soil to deposit at the end of the March. At the site of the sacrifice of Tassos Isaac and Solomos Solomos. To note the incomprehensible continuity and consistency of History. Free.

15f2e62e6ce99e motorcyclists, Isaac-Solomos Memorial March

Source: SIgmalive