The strong neighborhood that shook Cyprus shook the "neighborhood" (VIDEO)

Videos circulating on social media record the concern that prevailed in the early hours of Tuesday in various parts of Cyprus

e620951cfdbe7ff60c63d294a8a2f9a0 ανησυχία, γειτονια, ξημερώματα, ΣΕΙΣΜΟΣ

The strong earthquake that hit Cyprus at dawn was particularly felt in the surrounding area.

According to foreign news, the earthquake was felt in Israel, Egypt and Turkey.

161dd2c5b78115 anxiety, neighborhood, early morning, EARTHQUAKE

161dd2c7bd8db9 anxiety, neighborhood, early morning, EARTHQUAKE

161dd2cd4c7d4b anxiety, neighborhood, early morning, EARTHQUAKE

Videos circulating on social media record the concern that prevailed in the early hours of Tuesday in various parts of Cyprus.