44-year-old detained for six days for causing a fatal accident with a 60-year-old victim

After the accident, the driver of the vehicle left the scene of the accident, leaving the 60-year-old helpless.

161c029194258a 48 6 days, DEADLY, reservation

The Paphos District Court issued a six-day detention order against a 44-year-old resident of the Moutalos district who has been arrested as a suspect in causing a fatal accident involving 60-year-old Androulla Papachristoforou.

As reported to the Court by the examiner of the case, Sergeant of the Paphos Traffic Police, the 44-year-old suspect denies any involvement in the case. The offenses he faces are inciting death by negligence, inciting death due to a reckless, reckless and dangerous act, leaving the scene, as well as the crime of homicide.

He pointed out that at the scene of the fatal accident, an inner cover of the wing of the left wheel of a vehicle of the same type as the vehicle involved in the deadly road collision was found. Also outside the suspect's house, the car cover and the front bumper were absent.

In court, it was reported that in addition to the images recorded by a closed-circuit surveillance store in the area, the investigating authorities have testimony from an eyewitness who identified the suspect as the driver of the vehicle that dragged and ultimately fatally injured the 60-year-old woman. . The vehicle was located in a village in the province of Paphos, outside the house of a 44-year-old man, who was carrying out repair work on it.

The vehicle was picked up and taken to the Paphos Police Department, to undergo a scientific examination. The 44-year-old also admitted that the vehicle belonged to an expatriate who had been driving himself for the last ten days after he was going to buy it. He denies, however, that he drove it himself on Sunday night. The road collision occurred around 9.15pm. on December 19, on Priamou Street in Paphos, with the victim Androulla Papachristoforou, 60 years old, from Paphos. According to the examined data, the 60-year-old is said to have been abducted by a car, while she was on foot on the above road. After the accident, the driver of the vehicle left the scene of the accident, leaving the 60-year-old helpless.

The 60-year-old was transported, by ambulance, to the General Hospital of Paphos, where around 11.30 p.m. succumbed to her injuries.