Remedia baby food is very dangerous

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The Ministry of Health invites parents who may possess the following products to avoid their use and return them to the place from which they purchased them. According to an official announcement, samples of these products are in the General Chemistry of the State and the laboratory tests continue συνεχ 

Baby Food under the name REMEDIA
N / A Food Name Consumption Date:
1. Multi-seed IMMEDIATE porridge, for children from 6 months 01/11/13 and 11/09/13
2. Buckwheat IMMEDIATE porridge, for children 4 months 21/09/13, 25/09/13 and 26/09/13
3. OAT (Oat) IMMEDIATE porridge, for children from 5 months 14/11/13
4. IMMEDIATE semolina porridge, for children from 5 months 29/03/13
5. IMMEDIATE JELLY CORN (Non-dairy), for children from 5 months 14/11/13
6. Grape Sugars, for children from their birth 10/11/13

According to the investigations carried out by the Health Services, only small quantities have been distributed, exclusively from the store of the company with the name Baby Premium, located at Georgiou Avenue AD4B, (Germasogeia River) Limassol, is added in the announcement.