This is the first test shot of the S-300

a 95 News
a 3212 News

The Minister of Defense, Fotis Fotiou, attended yesterday, Friday, in Crete, a test firing of the S-300 anti-missile system.

In statements after the shooting, at the Shooting Range of Crete, Mr. Fotiou stated that he is proud that he watched an "amazing test shot, of an amazing weapon system". "It is a very reliable long-range anti-aircraft system with high accuracy rates," he said.

He said that the message today is clear that "despite the economic crisis that Greece and Cyprus are going through, despite the difficulties we face, despite the difficult times that Hellenism is facing, with the right strategy, by utilizing all available resources and means, we can to protect our interests ".

"We can guarantee our sovereign rights. "We can guarantee the national interests, which I want to emphasize, we must not and will never dismiss because they concern our dignity but also our very existence", he underlined.

He reminded that the missile system was initially purchased by the Republic of Cyprus and after an agreement with Greece, it ended up in Crete, where it was installed.

He thanked the Minister of National Defense of Greece, for his invitation to attend and watch the impressive firing of this system, something which, as he said, puts an end to some rumors that it was useless and is now - and we have seen it today - a strong paper in the surveillance and protection of the National Airspace of Greece and Cyprus.

He stated that he is convinced that, in a time of great challenges, the strong armed forces are, for Hellenism, a guarantee for securing its sovereignty and independence, but also a guarantee of stability in our wider region.