An eight-year-old lights lamps with the power of his… touch

gfh1 BOY, light bulb

His family claims that his metaphysical abilities are genuine

A commentator from India claims that he has the magical power to make light bulbs turn on simply by touching them.

The boy, from Rajasthan, says he discovered his power when his father brought a light bulb home one day to change a burned-out kitchen.

The little one was wondering about the lamp when it suddenly lit up. No one else in the family could light him, so everyone believed that the little one was a miracle worker.

gfh2 BOY, light bulb

His parents even recorded his metaphysical power in a video, saying that there is no trick behind all this. But the neighbors, who spoke to local media, confirmed that they have seen the little one do this, even outdoors that was surrounded by strangers.

The fact that it can only be done with LED bulbs has, however, made many doubt its powers…