Driver defecates on another driver after a fight

oisnti000 guide

The street fight had a bad ending

Many times on the road we lose our temper when we do not like the way some other drivers behave. How we manage it has to do with everyone's character.

Some with curses, others with voices, others with gestures, others with honking. There are the coolest who give way to anger but also the most irritable who do not lift much and who are ready for anything. From the manual to what no one can put in his mind.

One such special case is Henry George Weaver, from Allentown, Pennsylvania, who got into a fight with another driver for an unknown reason. The strange thing is not this, but the fact that he defecated on the other driver to get revenge!

This is reported by the Pennsylvania police who have recorded the incident. "The accused and the victim had a dispute on the road that led the accused to defecate on the victim", the police announcement typically states.

Weaver was arrested on a charge of harassment.