He exceeded the speed limit because he was urgently called by nature


A traffic accident from faraway Australia with a not-so-fragrant smell

The police have probably heard every reasonable and unreasonable excuse for not confirming a call for speeding, the only sure thing.

This Australian, however, receives the award for his honesty, despite the fact that he did it on his own.

Two in 25 min. Loss of license.#doubledemerits. pic.twitter.com/bpFjj0LBqG

- Dalwallinu Police (@DalwallinuPol) September 25, 2017

Dalwallinu City Police Department, three hours northeast of Perth, even posted the call on Twitter, as the man was traveling at 97 km / h with a speed limit of 60 km / h.

When law enforcement asked him why he was driving so high, the man did not chew his words: "I have to do it, the kids got me gastroenteritis"!

However, the police did not show mercy to his condition, fining him 1.000 euros and even losing his diploma, as he had exceeded 12 points of the Australian point system…