The astrological predictions of Wednesday, January 26, 2022

The retrograde Mercury enters Capricorn and will remain in this position until February 4, in matters of professional and financial nature will be able to close outstanding issues that last from the previous period. It is not ruled out that old proposals will be discussed again, there may be differences and changes in the decisions. The actions should be coordinated and the plans very well organized, there may be difficulties and obstacles, however the focus on the goals and aspirations should be maintained.


Today suggests that you can make meaningful connections. You need to know that your future is relatively secure and that achieving your goals will satisfy you in the long run. There may also be information that supports your finances or your current business plans and interests. The northern node of the Moon passes in your solar 2nd house until the middle of 2023 encouraging you to solve financial issues.

With the North node of the Moon in your zodiac sign until the middle of 2023, you are encouraged to explore and develop your independence. The next eighteen months are a period of building trust and expression in new, exciting and positive ways. Today it is warm and possible to communicate with positive results. You can handle your work issues with maturity and efficiency. Your emotional life takes second place.

It is time to pay attention and pay attention to your inner world, your mental health and your spiritual needs. It is satisfying to connect with your dreams and spirituality. Today you are incredibly observant and you can build a good relationship with someone through your understanding. For example, a discussion about something private, a secret or a topic of the past is important and liberating.

With today's crossings you learn something important by observation, but you also have a tendency to participate actively. An eighteen-month cycle has recently begun that shows you the direction of socializing with groups and friends. It's time to dump her and move on. Today, however, relationships support your development and you discover useful information. Your emotional life is interesting as new data emerges.

With the northern node of the Moon in your solar 10th house until the middle of 2023, it is time to meet your responsibilities, to raise your goals and to take care of yourself by ensuring its safety. Today brings you information on work and health issues. It's time to dump her and move on. Your emotional life is directly affected by the past. 

Today's crossings stimulate good, creative ideas and it makes sense to take into account some of the information that comes to light. It is important to keep the lines of communication open, as there are valuable things to learn. Someone can seek your guidance and you are very satisfied. Your sexual partner is trying to distract you. If you are single, the past is tangled in your legs and this affects your psychology.

You can make a connection with someone who helps you feel comfortable or has a decisive effect on you. Alternatively relationships with friends or acquaintances can be improved mainly through conversations, kind words or the information you receive. The north node of the Moon now crosses your solar 8th house and during this transit you will learn not only to pay special attention to your profits and practical affairs, but also to your spiritual, sexual and emotional needs.

The ideas are exciting today and you could make a useful connection to help you find a way to put your ideas into action. You may learn something important or valuable about a friendship or a favorite project, so make sure you open the lines of communication. Do not rule out something from the past that will arouse your interest again, especially in terms of your emotional life.

The day promises information that will help you advance the goals of your job or money. You could have flashes of inspiration that enhance problem solving. It can be a good time to make financial connections, find good advice and emotional support from a partner or friend. Push yourself out of your seat belts gently, but that does not mean you have to go too far.

Today promises a lot to make connections. It can be inspired by a romantic interest or communications to catch your attention. It is an important time for further information about a child, a lover or a creative project. You feel renewed as you gain a greater understanding of your desires and dreams. It is also a good time to use your talents.

With the northern node of the Moon in the field of home and family until July 2023, you are called to throw more energy into the needs of home comfort and security. It is also vital that you take the time to watch your emotional life. Discussions today can well lead you to important discoveries about yourself and the people you love.

Some of your greatest joys and challenges will likely come through learning, communication and connection. It's time to develop your communication skills and make yourself aware of the needs of others. The day promises useful information through friends or networks. Rely on activities and people that encourage you to grow and improve.