10 mistakes we make when we buy summer shoes and regret it for the whole summer

10 lathi poy kanoyme stin epilogi ton kalokairinon papoytsion 11 ΙΔΑΝΙΚΑ ΠΑΠΟΥΤΣΙΑ, ΚΑΛΟΚΑΙΡΙΝΑ SHOES, SHOES

As every year this season, our store shelves are flooded with a plethora of summer shoes for every taste - in terms of shape, color or price. But in our quest to look more presentable, we must also consider the health, comfort and hygiene of the feet.

We decided to help you make the right choice by preparing an illustrated guide to the common mistakes people make when choosing summer shoes!

10. The sole is too tight.

10 lathi poy kanoyme stin epilogi ton kalokairinon papoytsion IDEAL SHOES, SUMMER SHOES, SHOESThe use of shoes whose soles are too narrow for your feet creates an unsightly impression. In addition, it can contribute to the deformity of the ankles and lead to the appearance of a knuckle in the big toes. Tight shoes often cause inner toenails as well as skin irritation, which leads to calluses.

9. Incorrect application in the area of ​​the condominium.

10 lathi poy kanoyme stin epilogi ton kalokairinon papoytsion 1 ΙΔΑΝΙΚΑ ΠΑΠΟΥΤΣΙΑ, ΚΑΛΟΚΑΙΡΙΝΑ SHOES, SHOESWhen the fit is wrong, the curve of the foot and the curve of the shoe sole do not match. As a result, your foot does not rest on the entire surface of the shoe, but only on the two outer points: one under the heel and the other under the ball of the foot. Wearing such shoes causes problems with blood circulation and leads to the formation of calluses, excessive sweating and pain in the feet.

8. The sole is larger than the foot.

10 lathi poy kanoyme stin epilogi ton kalokairinon papoytsion 2 ΙΔΑΝΙΚΑ ΠΑΠΟΥΤΣΙΑ, ΚΑΛΟΚΑΙΡΙΝΑ SHOES, SHOESExtremely long soles are a common feature of flip flops and sandals, which have a strap that runs between the toes. In these shoes, the distance between the toes and the front of the sole usually offer great comfort. The normal distance should not be more than 1 cm. This is the margin of freedom of the foot inside the shoe. When the margin is too large, walking becomes uncomfortable and unsafe - something that can cause tissue and joint disease. In addition, you run the risk of tripping while climbing stairs.

7. The sole is too small.

10 lathi poy kanoyme stin epilogi ton kalokairinon papoytsion 4 ΙΔΑΝΙΚΑ ΠΑΠΟΥΤΣΙΑ, ΚΑΛΟΚΑΙΡΙΝΑ SHOES, SHOES

When wearing sandals with a very small sole, you must constantly rest your shoes on your toes so that they do not fall off. This means that the muscles remain constantly stretched, with the load on the leg being unevenly distributed. You also run the risk of breaking your heel and suffering a serious injury. When trying on new shoes, be sure to nail it to the pallets only on the back and two sides not the front.

6. The shoes fit very loosely.

10 lathi poy kanoyme stin epilogi ton kalokairinon papoytsion 5 ΙΔΑΝΙΚΑ ΠΑΠΟΥΤΣΙΑ, ΚΑΛΟΚΑΙΡΙΝΑ SHOES, SHOESWhen your shoes fit too loosely, almost the only thing that prevents them from falling is your toes. As a result, the leg muscles become overworked, which can lead to awkward walking. In addition, the use of such shoes can lead to deformities of the legs and joints, the appearance of calluses and pain in the knee and back.

5. The shoes are too big.

10 lathi poy kanoyme stin epilogi ton kalokairinon papoytsion 6 ΙΔΑΝΙΚΑ ΠΑΠΟΥΤΣΙΑ, ΚΑΛΟΚΑΙΡΙΝΑ SHOES, SHOESWhen wearing shoes that are too large, every time you lift your foot you stretch the muscles to prevent the shoe from falling. This can easily make you stumble and lose your balance. Oversized shoes are just as harmful as too tight and are very likely to cause calluses.

4. Shoes made of unnatural materials.

10 lathi poy kanoyme stin epilogi ton kalokairinon papoytsion 7 ΙΔΑΝΙΚΑ ΠΑΠΟΥΤΣΙΑ, ΚΑΛΟΚΑΙΡΙΝΑ SHOES, SHOESIn the summer months, it is highly recommended to wear shoes made of natural materials, such as leather or fabrics. Wearing leatherette shoes in hot weather can be dangerous to your health, as high temperatures cause the various chemicals to interact with the skin. In addition, such shoes have low foot ventilation, which can lead to fungal infections, cracks and other complications.

3. Leather shoes.

10 lathi poy kanoyme stin epilogi ton kalokairinon papoytsion 8 ΙΔΑΝΙΚΑ ΠΑΠΟΥΤΣΙΑ, ΚΑΛΟΚΑΙΡΙΝΑ SHOES, SHOESDuring the hottest time of the year, it is best to avoid wearing leather shoes on a daily basis. Such shoes do not have a good history in terms of air circulation and moisture absorption. In addition, these shoes are prone to mechanical damage and temperature changes (they tend to break when the thermometer drops to -10 ° C or rises above 15 ° C).

2. Wear closed shoes without socks.

10 lathi poy kanoyme stin epilogi ton kalokairinon papoytsion 9 ΙΔΑΝΙΚΑ ΠΑΠΟΥΤΣΙΑ, ΚΑΛΟΚΑΙΡΙΝΑ SHOES, SHOESIn summer, closed shoes (such as moccasins) without socks lead to heavy sweating and hardening of the skin in the heel area. It is recommended to wear these shoes with socks. If the weather is too hot for regular socks, use socks that are not visible.

1. Wear shoes with a flat sole.

10 lathi poy kanoyme stin epilogi ton kalokairinon papoytsion 10 ΙΔΑΝΙΚΑ ΠΑΠΟΥΤΣΙΑ, ΚΑΛΟΚΑΙΡΙΝΑ SHOES, SHOESWearing flat-soled shoes for more than 1-2 hours a day can be detrimental to your health. These shoes are not designed to soften the impact of the heel on the surface you are walking on, which means that your skeleton receives minor injuries at every step. Another disadvantage is that your feet remain in a state of constant tension, which increases the risk of sprains and other injuries. Also, your body weight is not evenly distributed along the leg. You can significantly reduce these harmful effects by using anatomical insoles, but the best choice for the shoes you wear every day is still those that have a heel of 2-4 cm.
