6 things not to do after eating and the habit that is good to avoid

Food: This is one of the pleasures of the people. Every meal is special for many and various reasons.

ta 6 mi gia meta to fagito 1 MEAL, TIPS, Food

Food: This is one of the pleasures of the people. Every meal is special for many and various reasons. However, all meals end with the fact that you do not have to do certain things after finishing your meal. Below is a list of tips, which you will find very useful. In more detail:

Here are six things you should not do with anything after eating:

-Do not eat fruit immediately: They will cause bloating in the stomach. Better 1-2 hours after or 1 hour before eating.

- Do not drink tea: Because tea leaves have a high acid content. This substance will make the proteins of our food harder, and will become more indigestible

- Do not loosen the belt / Do not unbutton clothes: It will twist and block the bowel.

ta 6 mi gia meta to fagito MEAL, TIPS, Food

The rest of the things you should not do with anything after eating your meal:

- Do not bathe after eating: It will increase blood circulation to the arms, legs and body, thus reducing the amount of blood in the stomach. In this way digestion is weakened.

- Do not walk / Do not wander: We have always heard that after a meal if we take 100 steps we will live to 99. This is not really the case. Walking will prevent the absorption of nutrients from our food.

- Do not fall asleep immediately: Proper digestion will not take place, so we will have gastrointestinal infections.
