No more oily hair without shampooing: The "magic" material from the kitchen cupboard that will save you

Definitely if you have fine hair, oily hair is an inevitable situation, at the moment you want to avoid daily shampooing.

telos sta ladomena mallia choris loysimo to magiko yliko apo to ntoylapi tis koyzinas poy tha sas sosei OILED HAIR, baking soda

Definitely if you have fine hair, the oily hair is an inevitable situation, especially when you want to avoid daily bathing.

But there is an ingredient that will "loosen" your hands and that is none other than baking soda and it is certainly not missing from any home. Beyond the oily hair, you can see below four other cases where you can use it and see "miracles".

Baking Soda: Where you can use the ingredient

You need to leave home immediately and understand that your hair is oily. Baking soda can therefore also serve as a dry shampoo. Apply a small amount on your brush and just comb them and you will see that it immediately "pulls" the oil.

baking soda

In addition, you can use soda in the following cases:

A little running on the treadmill, a little long training, sneakers sometimes smell a bit unpleasant. To save, pour a small amount of baking soda on their bottom and leave it to act for several hours. Shake them, just before wearing them again.

If you open his door refrigerator and you can not stand the unpleasant odors, then you must take action. Fill a small bowl with baking soda and simply place it in a corner of the fridge to "catch" all the unpleasant odors.

Coffee can be quite enjoyable but if it falls on a cloth or rug, it can become your worst nightmare in a matter of seconds. So, if you have this misfortune, all you can do is pour plenty of baking soda on the stain. Then leave it on for a few hours and finally rub this spot with a clean cloth.

If the sink water does not come down very easily, all you need is baking soda and vinegar. First pour a cup of baking soda into the sink's siphon and then add 1 cup of white vinegar. Leave them on for a few minutes and then pour enough hot water.


via: Enimerotiko