Skin papules: Why they form, what they show for health and 5 natural remedies to get rid of

Remove nipples: Nipples or moles are unsightly changes in the skin. They occur due to HPV.

1205 NUMBERS, Problems, TIPS

Remove nipples: Nipples or moles are unsightly changes in the skin. These moles occur due to the human papillomavirus (HPV). In case you have a similar problem, there is a solution. So, you do not need to stress. These problems can be solved if you follow the advice of experts faithfully. In more detail:

Apple cider vinegar, thanks to its medicinal properties, is one of the most popular home remedies in the world. This product, in addition to costing very little, has a strong effect on unsightly nipples. However, vinegar does not kill the papillomavirus; its acidity attacks the fleshy part of the nipple. There is no scientific evidence for the above, but a study by Dr. Rutala WA of the University of North Carolina that it can kill harmful pathogens in a laboratory setting.

2 tablespoons apple cider vinegar
Cotton or cotton cloth

Implementation: Wet the cotton with the vinegar and apply directly on the nipple. Cover with a piece of gauze and leave it on overnight. The next morning, remove the gauze. Repeat the treatment every night for optimal results (within one to two weeks).

Bananas are great for skin health and, in this case, contain a proteolytic enzyme that breaks down papillomas.

The peel of a banana
What should you do?

Implementation: With a spoon, scrape the inside of the banana peel to get the white pulp. Apply this paste directly on the nipple and wash your hands to prevent the nipple from spreading to other parts of your body. Repeat until you achieve the desired result.

1185 NUMBERS, Problems, TIPS

The immediate application of vitamin C to papillomas can help kill the virus that causes them. This treatment has been popular for years, as those who tried it had good results.

1 tablet of vitamin C.
A little lemon juice

Implementation: In a mortar, melt the vitamin C tablet and add a little lemon juice to make a pulp. Apply the mixture directly on the nipple, cover it with a bandage and leave it overnight. Repeat this treatment every day

Basil is another great way to get rid of papillomas naturally while fighting the virus that causes them. This herb is known for its strong antiviral properties, which have a strong action against papillomas.

1/4 cup fresh basil
Gauze or bandage
Implementation: Wash the basil and mash it. Spread the pulp directly on the nipple and cover with a bandage or gauze, leaving it to act overnight. Repeat this treatment every day for two weeks.

1186 NUMBERS, Problems, TIPS

Dandelion contains a milk which is very effective against papillomas. If dandelions grow in your yard or garden, do not hesitate to use them to naturally remove nipples.

1 dandelion

Implementation: Remove the top of the dandelion and take the milk contained in the shoot. Apply it directly on the nipple and cover with a bandage. Repeat this treatment twice a day to completely eliminate the nipples. Remember that you should always consult your doctor before applying home remedies.
