Three habits of "old" women that make them look much younger than their age

Women's habits: Most women pay close attention to their appearance and they are right.

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Women's habits: Most women pay close attention to their appearance. They want their skin and all the other elements that compose it to be flawless. Below you will find some very interesting facts that may even make you change your habits. In more detail:

Here are three habits of women who never age:

They do not forget their sunscreen and wear it every day: Yes, it is the first and most decisive thing that all women do. Specifically, those who maintain their youthful and radiant skin, regardless of their age. 78% of women surveyed said they always wear sunscreen. On the contrary, 35% stated that they avoid sunbathing.

217 Women, SKIN, HABITS

Habits of women who do not age - Always keep their skin hydrated: It is obvious that well-hydrated skin helps to slow down the effects of skin aging. They take care to keep their skin healthy and hydrated. They do this by using moisturizers. Also, following the simple steps that contribute to the beauty and youthfulness of their skin.

They have a positive attitude towards life: This last element of lifestyle can be considered as a surprise of all the research, as the above relations between aging and protection from harmful sunlight or hydration can be considered a bit given-expected. Thus, about 30% of the "elderly women" who participated in the survey typically commented: "I have a positive attitude towards myself" and all we can do is challenge them!
