Erotic immigrant: When you change place and life for your love

What is it like to leave your place, your friends, your job and follow your heart miles away

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"A shoe from your place and let it be patched" said the thymosophical people and the old people had something like a gospel. And if any foreign bride or groom came from another village or city, he would carry the title of "foreigner" on his back for a lifetime.

Erotic immigrant…. Nowadays more and more people do not take "shoes from their place", but leave their place, their life, their friends and relatives and with the love guide - I know it's like reading Lena Manta - they move to the place where they found great love. Why only if the love is big, you make such a decision: to leave everything behind and make a new life from the beginning, with whatever risk this choice hides. That hides risk, do not laugh.

So, I am also an erotic immigrant… With less risk, however, after I had love I returned to my place, but leaving the life I had created in Athens, Greece after 14 years. I left behind friends, company, habits, a daily routine crazy, but not nice for my own data.

And so, at the age of 33, I reached a new starting point, a new beginning. I did not even think about "damn it from the beginning" because, if I had thought about it, I would not have made the decision. And in the end we have a life, if we do not take a risk what will we have to remember?

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And that's exactly what I was thinking every time I wondered if I was doing well. Because you have the doubt - you will always have it - if you did well. If you did the right thing you "thundered it all" for a love. And this last "I gave up everything for your sake" is an attack that plays on everyone but all the quarrels, no matter how many years pass.

The first time, then, has a lot of enthusiasm for the new and anxiety for what is to come. Especially if you are in a phase of your life where you felt you were in a quagmire, this new beginning is the restart you were looking for. After all, when we talk about "erotic immigrant" we mainly mean someone after 30 who already has a laid back life and work and changes everything.

And as you network in the new place, you slowly discover that there are others like you. «Erotic immigrant","And you;","And I». At first the recommendations have a smile, over the years they have the style you used to get if you heard that someone is "sogambros".

Joining a new social group, making new acquaintances and making new ones friendships it is not the easiest. Unless you have public relations as a character. In addition, the first time you especially miss your friends that you left behind. Phones catch fire where you talk for endless hours, while promises like: "we will never get lost", "we will say it", "we will be" no matter how honestly they are said in those moments, life itself comes, the everyday life and distance to disprove you ε you get lost!

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Old friends become distant and are replaced by others you get now. And having personal experience, few of the old ones remain, but good ones. Those who will stand next to you, no matter how many kilometers separate you.

As with any beginning, here too, the first time has its difficulties. For the locals in the beginning you are the "foreigner" or the "foreigner" who will keep you at a safe distance. Adapting to new groups takes time, while at first you listen to their conversations and what they say sounds… Chinese.

They have their own contact codes, they talk about people you have no idea who they are and you stay laughing at the stories you hear just so they don't call you "sour". In time you get into the mood and become an active member of the company.

For the first time you were constantly uploading photos on social media so that the others you left behind could see that you were having a good time.

You have checked on Facebook that you are in that location, you drink space shots and you feel great. In fact, you are on the couch in your pajamas and you feel like you are going to die of boredom. We said you want to get in the eye.

You remember what it is like to make new acquaintances, new companies and friendships.

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You have stunned, especially the first time, those you know with what you did with your friends. Do not think that you have not had life before, so you gave up everything.

Are you tired of answering the question: "What if you regret it?".

You are sitting alone on the balcony and in your thoughts you wonder "if you did well".

Looking for a new job in the new place you have felt frustrated, anxious, desperate, but at the same time, you have an enthusiasm for the new beginning that you feel you are being reborn.

You have drunk so much coffee and drinks and you have eaten so many ribs in… "Let the law come in" as Chronis Exarchakos used to say, meetings that you came and had.

There is no quarrel with your partner that you have not uttered "It's my fault that I left everything for you".

And while for the first time every now and then you go to your place for a small "dose", over the years the visits dilute. And you do not miss it.

In conclusion, the "erotic immigrant" is the revolutionary of life. He is the one who is not afraid to take the risk. He fell in love and was not afraid to follow his heart. That left the security of the well-known everyday life for the. Uncertainty of a new life. And all this with joy, enthusiasm, optimism and plenty of love. That's why when you hear "erotic immigrant" be! Respect!
