Find out what your repulsions are with a test

Choose the person who scares you the most and see the results

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There is a test designed by the Hungarian psychiatrist Leopold Szondi in the 19th century (1935) and is based on photographs of 8 people. Whoever takes the test is asked to choose the person who causes him the most fear and would not want to meet him in the dark under any circumstances.

The purpose of the test is to explore a person's deepest repressed impulses, commonly repulsed based on the liking or disgust caused by these photos.

The original test consisted of six sets of 8 portraits, each of which was classified as sadistic, epileptic, hysterical, catatonic, schizophrenic, depressive, manic, and a person with a disruptive identity disorder. Below is a set of such portraits.

The choices will, supposedly, reveal the satisfied and unsatisfied instinctive impulses of the person taking the test, but also the dimensions of his personality. Each photograph is supposed to be a stimulus suitable to distinguish the tendencies of the examinee, from which the basic characteristics of his personality can emerge.

The test is based on the perception that these characteristics that bother us in others, are the ones that at some point in our lives we had and caused us disgust for ourselves for this and we have rejected them.

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Anyone taking the test should know the following terms:

Repulsion: According to psychoanalysis, this is the most important defense mechanism we have. Its most important function is to convey thoughts and desires that make it difficult for us unconscious.

Refusal: It is a mental process by which we deny our deepest impulses (things we want), adopting the exact opposite, from the desired, behavior.

Denaturation: The process of transferring our repressed choices to those that are socially acceptable or useful, such as artistic activities, professional choices, etc.

Interpretations based on face choice

1. Sadist

Repulsion: You may have repelled some experiences from the first years of your life that are related to authoritarianism in your behavior, your need to dominate and the tendency towards ill-will. If you chose the portrait of this teacher you may have repulsed in your subconscious aggressive or humiliating behaviors towards others.

Refusal: You are likely to be a completely harmless person, ready to help others at any time. If you are a civil servant, your superiors may find it difficult to handle you. When you do not want to do something you create barriers (eg you are late for work or you show that you are in a bad mood). Often, when you want to defend yourself, you choose the passive resistance and disobedience that in the long run exhaust those who caused you problems.

Denaturation: You may have shifted your repulsions to professions such as surgeon, dentist, police officer, prosecutor, veterinarian, manicurist, forester, carpenter, sculptor, wrestler, etc.

2. Epileptic

Repulsion: When we talk about her disorders personality associated with brain disease, damage and dysfunction (as is the case with some cases of epilepsy), some of the diagnostic features may be impulsivity, irritability, outbursts of anger and aggression.

If this tall, round-headed gentleman caused you disgust and fear, you may have repelled some such feelings and behaviors in your subconscious in your early childhood.

Refusal: You may be peaceful people. You are friendly and give the impression that you are responsible and self-controlled. You are stable in your feelings and easily connect with other people, with objects and ideas.

Denaturation: You can be involved in sports and activities, but you can also have pursued professions such as (according to Zsondi) chauffeur, sailor, blacksmith, firefighter, pyrotechnician, etc.

3. Catatonic

RepulsionSome characteristics of this mental disorder are excessive stimulation of imagination, knowledge and negativity. If this unshaven but smiling gentleman caused you negative emotions you may have suppressed some hyperactivity of your mind, which could make you lose touch with reality if it had not been transferred to your subconscious.

Refusal: You tend to adopt stereotypes behaviors and you do not like innovations and changes. Maybe you are the type of timid and difficult person, who finds it difficult to adapt to new situations. Your biggest fear is losing self-control. You are a bit rigid, often defensive and maybe timid and never deviate from the code of conduct

Denaturation: Accounting, math, physics, geography are some of the subjects you deal with. The professions you may have turned to are teacher, graphic designer, beautician, accountant, security guard, model.

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4. Schizophrenia

Repulsion: Schizophrenic personality is characterized by intense apathy, distortions of thought and irreconcilable emotions. If this apathetic look makes you shudder, you may have suppressed a feeling of indifference to others and withdrawal from things and situations in your early childhood.

Refusal: You are probably a pretty social person. You believe in socializing and communicating with others, enjoy the company and go out often. Your sociability is rather misleading and may hide an isolated person who lives with the feeling that he is always alone. Your relationships may seem impersonal and superficial, as if they lack true emotion. Deep down you may feel that you do not need to coexist with others.

DenaturationYou may have turned to spiritual activities such as meditation or physical activities such as mountaineering. You generally seem to be looking for calm and isolation.

5. Hysterical

RepulsionSome characteristics of hysterical personalities are superficial and unstable emotions, narcissism and ostentation. If you chose this curious lady with heavy eyelids as the person who scares you the most, it may be because you have suppressed an insatiable desire to get the attention of others and be accepted.

Refusal: You give the impression of a modest person with a strong interior. However, in reality, while you look like a quiet and shy person you have an excessive desire to charm others. You meticulously take care of your appearance and behavior. For example, you always try to be stylish and well-dressed, with accessories that catch the attention of others.

Denaturation: Usually these people deal with professions focusing on the person, facial expressions and voice, like the actors. They can also be involved in politics or even be tamers.

6. Depressed

Repulsion: Lack of self-esteem, feelings of inferiority and guilt are the main symptoms of depression. The fact that this evil being is the embodiment of disgust for you may mean that you are a deeply depressed person who manages to have these symptoms under control.

Refusal: You may be an extroverted and carefree person. You always show dynamism, confidence and optimism. Sometimes you get irritated and may experience dysthymia and melancholy (sad clown syndrome). You can also be suspicious and sullen.

Denaturation: It is very likely that you will change your depressive tendencies and move to the opposite side, taking on the role of psychologist of others and seeking solutions to their problems.

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7. Manic

RepulsionSome diagnostic features of mania are extroversion, overstimulation, self-esteem and waste of money, and emotions. If this kind person disgusts you, it means that there is an enthusiasm inside you that, if left unchecked, will turn you into a fanatical mystic.

Refusal: It is very likely that you are a person who does not want to provoke with his behavior and hates noise, extremes and exaggerations. You are an example of discretion, self-control and moderation. By being consistently rational you can always and completely control your behavior.

Denaturation: You are the soul of the company, you like to organize parties spreading generous joy and positive mood. You could be a DJ, do public relations or even advertise.

8. Cross-identity disorder (or formerly multiple personality disorder)

Repulsion: This personality is expressed in a person's desire to live and be accepted as a member of the opposite sex. If this young man seems dangerous and corrupt to you, you may have pushed away an identity problem or, more specifically, a gender identity problem early in your childhood.

Refusal: If the defense mechanism of denial worked, you may tend to emphatically confirm your biological sex. In this case, your behaviors, manners and appearance emphasize that you are a real man or a real woman. If you are a man, you are very "macho", if you are a woman, you always try to look sexy and seek to flirt with men.

Denaturation: You have probably devoted yourself to activities related to gender such as hairdresser, gynecologist, singer, dancer, waiter, etc.
