Despina Vandi: She talks about the crisis in her career and when she will "retire"

despoina vandi ola allazoun MISS VANDI, CAREER

Despina Vandi, more mature and honest than ever, spoke in an interview with BHMAgazino about her career and whether she is considering leaving the art scene.


The popular singer stated that she knows how to close the circles in her career and does not discourage her, while contrary to what she said in the past, she never seems to leave her music, which is her life and much more than her profession. She said

No, this is a deeper inner need. That's why you see advanced singers coming on stage - I understand them, as you breathe, so you want to sing. There are ups and downs in all careers, in the end all that matters is to endureHe added: "I still have a lot of appetite, I never want to lose that excitement. I do not care if one circle is closed, another will open again from the beginning. Life has so much to give us. It's important when you fall to think about it and get up again ".

