Ten successful professionals give advice on how to find your way

The secrets of their lucrative course and tips to be at the top

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"What do you want to be when you grow up?" The question that arises effortlessly from the lips of the older to the younger hides a truth: The fact that most are called upon to decide early on what they want to do in life, when they are usually not old enough to evaluate such a perspective. And the standard answers "teacher, astronaut, doctor, actor, singer" along with the latest additions "Youtuber, teleperson, life coach" etc. come at some point faced with another harsh reality: The finding, for example, that the "dream" of acting was not accompanied by the necessary talent, or was born at a time when the industry is plagued by leveling unemployment. Or the realization that the reputation in the courtroom did not stand long enough to stifle another inclination, which had not been expressed - or had not even been realized!

Apart from the people who felt from a young age "committed" to a goal, remained focused on it growing up and their choice justified them, there are many others who for various reasons started for another and their life went elsewhere, or else they finally wanted themselves to go. So it is not particularly strange that a large percentage workers states dissatisfied with his job.

The good news: It's just one work. Can anyone who really wants to stop what no longer satisfies him and do something else. He is not for life, if he does not want to. The bad news: Yes, the season makes it difficult to leave a safe or tried and tested recipe and spread your wings, even at risk. But many times, these stressful conditions also bring great results. We do not say that, ten successful entrepreneurs from The Oracles say it, who generously share their advice.

1. Try many different things

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WHAT: Find a job or start one business based on what you like to do when you are not working. If you do not know what you like, try different things. Travel, dance, cooking lessons. Ask to practice for a month next to people from whom you can learn for free. Try as many things as you can because guessing what it can do to you will not take you far.

WHO: Gary Vaynerchuk, founder and CEO of communications company VaynerX and author of the best-selling "Crushing It!"

2. Be very good at what you enjoy doing

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WHAT: Think about how you want to spend your time in the long run. Take online courses to become "authority" on what pleases you. If you are the "expert" in your field, the doors will be open for you. Think about what interests you and what you enjoy in life. Author Jim Collins suggests finding the golden ratio between what you are good at, what you like to do, and what you can make money from. I had the perfect job after college but I finally decided to start a business from scratch. Remember that nothing is eternal. Your every decision will not be perfect, but you can always make a change and learn from it along the way.

WHO: Marla Beck, co-founder and CEO of Bluemercury, was acquired by Macy's for $ 210 million. Creator of the cosmetic line M-61 and Lune + Aster.

3. Get out of the comfort zone

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WHAT: Think about what you are passionate about and what suits you - things that change over time. Life is a journey, so consider each job a step towards your destination. What are you good at? What pleases you? Write down your answers and see if they give you a direction. Look for companies with training opportunities and a boss you admire, why workplace largely determines your satisfaction.

Get out of the comfort zone. If you keep doing the same thing you will continue to get the same results. Network, explore opportunities within the company you work for and reach out to organizations that do something you enjoy. Making new connections can take you to the next chapter of your life.

WHO: Dottie Herman, CEO of Douglas Elliman, an "empire" of brokers with annual sales of $ 27 billion.

 4. Look back

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WHAT: Many ambitious entrepreneurs sometimes feel unsatisfied. How you manage this emotion is what builds character and guides you in the right direction. I suggest you look at your past. Think of the moments that brought you great joy. Try to remember when you felt excited and passionate about something. Then think about how you can recreate those feelings in your current job. You will be amazed at how little thought and a very open mind can help you rediscover what you like to do. After all, life is very short.

WHO: Johnathan Ruggiero, co-founder and CEO of the Manly Bands wedding ring company.

5. Compromise with failure

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WHAT: My father, also an entrepreneur, allowed me to fail in every sport. And I did it! But that taught me that it is important to try because you never know what you might be good at. The more you fail, the better you know yourself and the better you distinguish what you can not do well and where you better unfold your skills. So think about your current job and ask yourself what aspects of it make you happy. Then you will see a little clearer where to move. If you have a tendency, see if you can find the space to develop it in another branch of the same company, offering your help first. If you are satisfied with the new role, discuss with your boss the possibility of moving there permanently.

WHO: Michelle Luchese, co-founder of the company that makes men's wedding rings Manly Bands.

6. The triptych of success

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WHAT: A "full" life starts with what makes you feel good. Do not expect what makes you passionate to become a major source of income from day one, because that will not happen, but neither should you give it up. Find what you are good at and keep doing it. I wrote music for 20 years while working in sales and marketing. Now I start making money from my passion, combining my knowledge in marketing and my music talent to write "commercial music" and interviewing entrepreneurs for the "Executive Raps" platform. Combine your skills with your passion and something that will bring you money. When you find this triptych, invest in it until you can quit your job and do what you really enjoy.

WHO: Craig Handley, co-founder of ListenTrust and author of "Hired to Quit, Inspired to Stay."

7. Find your own way, not someone else's

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WHAT: Most people are in a job by chance because a friend told them about an "opportunity" or their parents knew someone. The education system does not highlight all our options, such as its inexhaustible pool internet, so we have to find out for ourselves.

Look for the job you may like, try it for a few months and then think about if it fits your lifestyle and if you can do it for years. Do not think about the results, they will come later. As Gary Vaynerchuk says, "Close your eyes until you are 29". You have time to think. When an interest becomes your passion and matches your talent, you have a chance for a full life. Because you will do something every day that you will not consider a job.

WHO: Torben Platzer, co-founder and CEO of TPA Media Group, founder of the SELFMADE training program.

8. Follow what makes you happy

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WHAT: When we are young, we choose a direction based on what others want for us, family, teachers, and others. We do not yet know who we are, so we begin to satisfy the dreams of others instead of our own. But the wrong path eventually reveals what we do not want and helps us discover what fills us. The key is to have the courage to make the change to what makes you happy, even if it upsets others. I changed my career countless times before I came to the one that satisfies me. And I will probably change again as I get older.

WHO: Jen Gottlieb, co-founder of Super Connector Media.

9. Do not give up

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WHAT: Most who were unhappy professionally quickly gave up. Two years after my first business I felt bogged down, I was thinking of giving them up. I finally learned to love what I do, especially after success came. Satisfaction comes after success, not the other way around. Find the one that suits your values ​​and stay there until you succeed. Make a list of what you want from your job, including the money you want and how you spend your time. Think of a few options, pick one and chase it. The best day to start is yesterday.

WHO: Matt Clark, co-founder and president of Amazing.com and co-creator of the Amazing Selling Machine.

10. The process of three steps

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WHAT: It is easy to get lost in the countless career choices. But there is a three-step process that "clarifies" which job you will love and in which you can stand out. First find someone who has it career that you want. Make three columns. His skills, his skills and the skills you need to develop to follow in his footsteps. In the end do what he did to get where he is. You do not need to invent the wheel. Read any book he wrote and watch / read each of his interviews. Find a way to get to know him personally. Learn from his work and follow his path.

WHO: Natalie Workman, co-founder of Cardone Ventures for Women
